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黑龙江省的黑河市,与俄罗斯的布拉戈维申斯克隔江相望,这是东北最边远的城市,因为一场大雪, 客汽停运了,飞机航班也取消了,我困在黑河市,一共在住了9天。不曾想,这成为了我细致地观察这座边城的契机。在本集影片中,我探索黑河市的街头巷尾,以及边境乡村,感受它的市集和美食。 Heihe City in Heilongjiang Province is located on the northeasternmost border of China, facing Blagoveshchensk, Russia, across the river. Due to a heavy snowfall, bus services were suspended, and flights were canceled, leaving me stranded in Heihe for nine days. Unexpectedly, this became an opportunity for me to closely observe this border city. In this episode, I explore the streets and alleys of Heihe, visit its border villages, and experience its local markets and cuisine. 0:00片頭Intro 0:57中俄陸路客運大巴將開通 01:42黑河市街頭小吃 03:30俄羅斯人在黑河購物 06:22聽本地女司機講黑河往事 08:58首座中俄跨國大橋 12:11邊境鄉村長發村 20:51黑河口岸探索 26:15夜晚看黑河人文 29:15俄餐廳品嘗俄式大串 35:15撿回無人機電池 37:00结尾:黑河夜景航拍 【阿樹闖東北】第一季 【阿樹走進100個鄉村】 【雲南篇合集】 【四川篇合集】 【新疆篇合集】 【湖南篇合集】 【貴州篇合集】 我的設備Gear: 主力相機:松下Lumix DC-S5 鏡頭:24—105 F4 無人機:Dji mini3 Pro 運動相機:Dji Pocket3 、 全景相機:Insta360 X4 歡迎加入我的會員,解鎖更多阿樹的旅行筆記、圖片、花絮等 #Chinatravel #China #Travel #Documentary #Chinese #中國 #旅遊 #鄉村 #黑河市 #黑河 #俄罗斯 #边境 #中俄边境 #黑龙江 #border #russia #landscape #drone
