We took the Minelab Xterra Pro and Manticore detectors out for a fun day of park metal detecting. We hit 5 parks in about 3 hours!
Our other YouTube Channel @DigginSoCalOutdoorAdventures
Our Amazon Store:
Items we have purchased from Amazon (also in above store) LINKS:
Otek shovel we use: https://ggle.io/5937
Pinpointer tip protectors we use: https://ggle.io/593A
Treasure pouch from Garrett: https://ggle.io/5DuG
Acid test kit. https://ggle.io/5gmH
Lortone Tumbler. http://tinyurl.com/Lortone3ATumbler
Probe: https://t.ly/7E5dZ
Connect with us on on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/digginsocal
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Anytime you hear music on our videos it comes from Epidemic Sound
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#digginsocal #digginsocaloutdooradventures #metaldetecting