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Treponema Pallidum for the USMLE Step 1

Physeo - USMLE Library 27,834 3 years ago
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Better than Sketchy, and completely free. Watch our entire microbiology library right here on YouTube, for free, forever. Come check out the rest of our Step 1 library at for a truly comprehensive approach to USMLE prep. Covered in this video: Treponema Pallidum, spirochete, dark field microscopy, STI, sexually transmitted infection, Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction, penicillin, primary syphilis, painless genital chancre, VDRL, RPR test, anticardiolipin antibodies, FTA-ABS, maculopapular rash, palms, soles, secondary syphilis, condyloma lata, genital, patchy hair loss, gummas, neurosyphilis, tertiary syphilis, tabes dorsalis, dorsal column, demyelination, aortitis, tree barking, Argyll Robertson pupils, neuropathic arthropathy, Charcot joint, congenital syphilis, notched teeth, hearing loss, saddle nose, snuffles, rhagades, angle of the mouth, saber shins, pregnancy, penicillin
