🚨🚨Download the Session PPT here for free: https://unacademy.com/content/upsc/unstoppable/arti-chhawari-pdfs
📝Topics Covered:
00:00 - 03:25 - Introduction
03:27 - PYQ Analysis
10:10 - Causes of Tribal Revolts
20:22 - Chuar Uprising
23:30 - Kol uprising
25:17 - Ho and Munda revolt
26:49 - Santhal uprising
31:47 - Khond uprising
33:00 - Khasi revolt
34:50 - Munda Rebellion- Birsa Munda, Ulgulan
40:26 - Ramosis revolt
45:16 - Koli revolt
47:46 - Bhil Uprising
49:30 - Koya rebellion
52:06 - Rampa rebellion
55:50 - Condition of Indian Peasants under colonial rule
01:17:36 - Indigo revolt
01:21:00 - Pabna agrarian league
01:23:41 - Mopalah/ Mappila rebellion
01:26:50 - Deccan Riots
01:30:16 - Eka movement
01:31:25 - Bardoli satyagraha
01:33:00 - All India Kisan Sabha
01:34:49 - Tebhaga Movement
Explore the rich tapestry of Tribal and Peasant Movements in India with this comprehensive Modern History Marathon tailored for UPSC Prelims 2024. Join Arti Chhawari as she delves into the significant socio-political shifts and grassroots struggles that have shaped India's history. Gain valuable insights into the dynamics of these movements and their lasting impact on the nation. #TribalMovement #PeasantMovement #ModernHistory #UPSCPrelims2024 #ArtiChhawari #IndianHistory #socialmovements
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