Can y'all stop watching this slop? Pay your attention to something more worthwhile. Here, check out my more recent media instead whatever this is:
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Big load of credit
Shaggy, Blocks, Blue beam, Atomic explosion (Blue), Yellow ball, and Yellow Laser made by Keeper
Troll face, Magnet, Lightning, Trollge, Light, Hyper collide, Cursed Flame laser, Green laser, Frozen and forgotten, Alone world, hyper ball, Backrooms monster, Lord of darkness, Trollge (Insane), hyper dash, White wave, Weaping god V2, Purple Beam, Purple laser, Hyper Blast, Hyper laser V1, Hyper beam, Hyper Lightning, THE RULER, Grabby claw, Table, Computer, Keyboard, Portal, White Circle, Red dragon fireball, Black dragon fireball, Red circle, Ghost 1,2,3, Gunner (School shooter), Outrunning Nightmare, Green spike, Paper, The Revenger, Door, and Tenticals By BFBtale Universe
Trollges- Neighborhood shut silence, Existance with no organs, Flying red ghost troll (Forgot name), Bigfoot, Stilts man, A S E N S I O N,Tried o make a meme, Toilet problem, Blood floats on blood/ How 2 fly and Old man with tenticals (Forgot name) by BendyStudeos
Row of fire, Human centipede, Axe, and Trollge faces by ??
Red static from the Tricky mod
Beanos by ManBehindEverthing
Sky Tenticals lightning by Furious Superior
Purple flame from the Gaster mod (Minecraft)