#linedance #retro #dancefitness #dance #fathersday
Donate if you have a "spare change" thanks & God Bless you more!😍:
Choreography : Zaldy Lanas
Follow me on my Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/zaldy.lanas.5
My 2nd Channel : @goodvibesZL
Nonna's Channel : @nonnaschannel518
Che De Jesus Channel : @chedejesus2398
V&V Danzz : @vvdanzz68
Marchie Bihis : @marchiebihis72
Hulk Energetic Officiall : @katorsevlog
hello,thank you everyone i wish you all had a good time dancing with us and if you like this video please hit the Subscribe button,Like & Share,hit the Notification Bell for future upload updates,stay safe & god bless you all😍💖👍