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Try Not To get cancelled Colin and Che edition | 'OFFENSIVE JOKES' | weekend update @SNL

jost-che-snl 3,734,508 1 year ago
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#MichaelChe #ColinJost #WeekendUpdate Get ready to test your limits with this hilarious and edgy 'Try Not to Get Cancelled' video featuring Colin Jost and Michael Che from 'Saturday Night Live'! In this video, we've compiled some of the funniest and most controversial jokes from the dynamic duo's time on the iconic comedy show, as they push the boundaries of what's acceptable with their razor-sharp wit and irreverent humor. From politics and race to sex and gender, Colin and Che fearlessly tackle taboo topics and take no prisoners along the way. But will their bold and unapologetic style get them cancelled? You be the judge! Whether you're a die-hard fan of 'SNL' or just looking for a laugh, this video is not to be missed. So grab your popcorn and get ready for a wild ride with Colin and Che! In this video, we've compiled some of the funniest jokes and moments from the legendary comedy duo Colin Jost and Michael Che. As the hosts of Saturday Night Live's Weekend Update, Colin and Che have become known for their witty banter, clever one-liners, and hilarious commentary on current events. From their roast-style jokes at each other's expense to their insightful takes on politics and pop culture, this video is a celebration of their best and most memorable moments. So sit back, relax, and get ready to laugh with Colin and Che's best jokes ever! Colin Jost, Michael Che, Saturday Night Live, comedy, edgy humor, controversial jokes, cancel culture, taboo topics, politics, race, sex, gender, irreverent, fearless, razor-sharp wit, unapologetic, hilarious, comedy gold, viral video, must-watch. #ColinJost #MichaelChe #WeekendUpdate #SaturdayNightLive #SNL #Comedy #Humor #Funny #Jokes #Entertainment #LateNightTV #LaughOutLoud #StandUpComedy #HumorIsTheBestMedicine #FunniestMoments #Hilarious #BestOfSNL #TopJokes #ComedyCentral #FunnyVideo #ViralVideo #JustForLaughs #FunnyClips #HumorMatters #EntertainmentIndustry #PopCulture #CelebHumor #TVComedy #LaughingOutLoud #goodjokes #ColinandChe #SaturdayNightLive #ComedyGold #ControversialHumor #CancelCulture #TabooTopics #RazorSharpWit #EdgyComedy #PoliticallyIncorrect #RaceHumor #GenderHumor #SexHumor #Irreverent #FearlessComedy #TryNotToGetCancelled #ViralVideo #MustWatch #ComedyCentral #LaughOutLoud #SNL #LateNightComedy Content is owned by SNL and the team of Weekend Update
