Trying out the new Cessna 182Q from Caranado ($19.99 USD in the 2024 Marketplace), then will probably do some career missions in the CJ4 or 737 MAX 8. How we see the value of planes is going to be much different in 2024, since this $20 plane has ~70 points of wear/tear and failure (from the new systems built into FS24) that we'd normally pay a premium to get in a single plane like from Black Square or A2A. ————— COUCH BOT COMMANDS ————— 🤖 !route - Get the route for the current flight 🤖 !plane - Which plane Kip is flying right now? 🤖 !bork - If you hear the puppy "bork" (bark) on stream, get a chance to win a BorkCoin 🤖 !bc - Check your BorkCoin balance 🤖 !borktts [your message] - Redeem 1 BorkCoin to play a free TTSMonster message ————— LINKS ————— 🔗 Using TTSMonster: 🔗 Tangia: (used mostly on the Twitch channel) 🔗 Kip's Twitch: 🔗 Kip's Site wih PC specs, settings, sim gear, links, FAQs, liveries: 🔗 Discord: ====== ⚖️ Disclaimer ⚖️ ====== This video is for entertainment purposes only.