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薯片叔叔.曾俊華.介紹Tsai Chin周采芹.Ding Dong Song1960 + 董佩佩.第二春1956.曲姚敏.詞易文+Lionel Bart

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雄霸五,六十年代樂壇的《姚敏》(1917年11月-1967年3月30日),原名姚振民,筆名梅翁、周萍等,寧波人,出生於上海,中國作曲家。 姚敏自幼喪父,家貧,失學。先後做過雜貨店學徒、海員等。從小喜音樂,天性敏慧,勤奮好學,學會拉胡琴、唱京戲。一個偶然機會,結識日本作曲家服部良一,隨其學作曲。與孿生胞妹姚莉等人常到電台演唱,後進百代唱片公司開始作曲生涯。 1950年,姚敏移居香港,繼續音樂工作,50年代中後期,事業達巔峰期,佳作連連。如《三年》、《情人的眼淚》、《總有一天等到你》、《我有一段情》、《神祕女郎》、《良夜不能留》、《雪山盟》、《第二春》等,像這樣膾炙人口的曲子不勝枚舉,至今仍被後輩歌手廣為翻唱。其中《第二春》還被英國舞台劇《蘇絲黃的世界》改編成英文歌曲,流傳歐美。 1959年和1961年,姚敏分別獲得亞洲影展最佳音樂獎及金馬獎最佳音樂獎等,成為當時香港炙手可熱的首席流行歌曲作曲家。姚敏的歌,唱紅了幾代歌星:從周璇到李香蘭、葛蘭、靜婷、潘秀瓊,再到鄧麗君、麗莎、奚秀蘭、鳳飛飛、費玉清等。 *********** 易文原名楊彥岐,又名諸葛郎、司馬青杉。其父為楊千里,晚清優貢生,曾任教於中國公學,是胡適的老師輩。 易文是一位著名導演及歌曲填詞家,1920年11月26日出生於北京,1925年隨父母遷居於江蘇吳縣,1936年,年僅16歲的他,便編寫第一個劇本《時代中》,但未獲採用,1937年盧溝橋事變,17歲的他與全家遷往上海定居,就讀於上海著名學府聖約翰大學文學系,於1941年以21歲之齡畢業,從1948年開始,他便開始於香港為影片公司編寫劇本,1951年,他便開始以易文作為他的筆名。 1934年2月3日,在上海楊亮功家,易文和胡適有一次會面。其父楊千里讓易文拜胡適為師,胡適不敢當,稱“千里先生是我師,他的兒子即是我的師弟”。胡適並說“彥岐十三歲,喜歡讀文學書,很有天才,他家遺傳甚好,定非凡品”。(事見曹伯言整理,《胡適日記全編》第6冊,安徽教育出版社,第311-312頁) 他是電影導演中寫作歌詞數量最多的一位,主要詞作如《第二春》、《我要飛上青天》、《我愛恰恰》、《青春兒女》等,都是五六十年代中後期的作品。從五十年代開始至七十年代初,他都有歌詞面世。1967年以後,他成為百代唱片公司的合約詞人,詞作數量更多。除導演工作外,易文也從事寫作,並發表散文。他寫詞較常用的筆名是周之源,成為百代合約詞人後,他也用過不少筆名,較常見的有孟如、辛梵、丁山、聖木、雲山、餘心和早年偶有採用的筆名余懷等。 易文生前喜愛吸煙,1969年初,48歲的他被診斷出他的呼吸系統出現毛病,自此之後,易文的健康狀況開始每下愈況,漸漸轉差,直至1978年3月29日,易文因呼吸系統衰竭而於香港與世長辭,終年57歲。 易文生前編寫劇本共六十多個,執導了共四十多部電影。易文生前作品分別為《空中小姐》﹑《金縷衣》﹑《青春兒女》﹑《快樂天使》﹑《溫柔鄉》等。 ********** Lionel Bart (1 August 1930 – 3 April 1999) was a writer and composer of British pop music and musicals who played an instrumental role in reviving Britain's musical theater scene during the 1960s after an era when American musicals had dominated the West End. Best known for creating the book, music and lyrics for the musical Oliver!, he was described by Andrew Lloyd Webber as "the father of the modern British musical". ********** The Chinese phrase第二春 literally means Second Spring. In Chinese interpretation, it alludes to “second marriage”, usually in the later years of a person. ********** Ding Dong Song - 1960 曲:姚敏 唱:周采芹 Tsai Chin I hear the bell go Ding Dong Deep down inside my heart Each time you say kiss me Then I know it's time for Ding Dong to start Each time you say hug me Ding Dong Ding Dong Each time you say love me Ding Dong Ding Dong I hope I don't wait too long To hear my bell go Ding Dong I hear the bell go Ding Dong Deep down inside my heart Each time you say kiss me Then I know it's time for Ding Dong to start Each time you say hug me Ding Dong Ding Dong Each time you say love me Ding Dong Ding Dong I hope I don't wait too long To hear my bell go Ding Dong To hear my bell go Ding Dong ********** Tsai Chin (Chinese: 周采芹; pinyin: Zhōu Cǎiqín), was born on November 30, 1936, in Tianjin, China. She grew up in Shanghai’s French Concession, where (under her western name, “Irene Chow”) she received a multi-lingual education. During her childhood, Chin was witness to colonial occupation, Japanese invasion of China, Chinese Civil War, and the Communist take-over in 1949. At age 17, she left Shanghai and was sent to England to study at The Royal Academy of Dramatic Art. Tsai Chin’s first significant film role came when she was cast in the film The Inn of Sixth Happiness (1958). She later auditioned for the play The World of Suzie Wong for which she was offered the title role and the stage musical became a commercial hit. The main characters are a young British artist living in Hong Kong, and Suzie Wong, a Chinese woman who works as a prostitute. The play’s producer granted her request to sing a song in The World of Suzie Wong. She chose a lyrical Chinese song, “Second Spring” (第二春), which was translated into English as “The Ding Dong Song,” by Lionel Bart. Chin recorded the song in 1960 for Decca Records in London which became a hit, particularly in Asia. The play was later made into a movie, The World of Suzie Wong (1960), which stars William Holden and Nancy Kwan; but the movie does not contain the English Dong Dong song. *********** 第二春 -1956 詞:易文 曲:姚敏 唱:董佩佩 明明是冷冷清清的長夜, 為什麼還有叮叮噹噹的聲音, 聽不出是遠還是近,分不出是夢還是真, 好像是一串鈴,打亂了我的心。 *「明明是模模糊糊的黃昏, 為什麼還有清清楚楚的燈影, 看不出是喜還是驚,分不出是夢還是真, 好像是一支箭穿透了我的心。」* 窗外不再有淒淒切切的幽靈, 只聽到喜鵲兒齊鳴, 今夜的輕風吹來了第二春, 又把消沈的夜鶯吹醒。 (重複*一次) 穿透了我的心。 English Translation: It is obviously a cold, lonely long night Why is there a tinkling, jingling sound I can’t hear if it is from far or near Can not tell if it is a dream or real Seems to be a string of bells that upset my heart Obviously a fuzzy, blurry lake at dusk Why is there a clear and unmistakable shadow from a lamp Can’t see if it is happy or scary Can ‘t tell if it is a dream or real Like an arrow through my heart Outside the window is no longer desolate and quiet like a ghost Only to hear young magpies singing Tonight’s light breeze blowing is a second spring Again the sadness of the nightingale has blown away Obviously a fuzzy, blurry lake at dusk Why is there a clear and unmistakable shadow from a lamp Can’t see if it is happy or scary Can not tell if it is a dream or real Like an arrow through my heart Piercing through my heart
