Hmong State Hmoob Tebchaws is a YouTube channel serving as a communication hub for people who are interested in learning about the history, culture, religion, values, news and other existing issues within the Hmong community worldwide.
Hmong State los yog Hmoob Tebchaws tsim tawm tshooj YouTube no los ua ib qho chaw cev ncauj cev lus kom peb Hmoob paub txog peb keeb kwm, peb teej tug, kev ntseeg, xov xwm ntiaj teb thiab lwm yam. Tej yam no thiaj yuav qhia kom peb paub tus xwm txheej ntiaj teb es peb thiaj los sib fim, sib hlub, thiab sib pab tau. Peb lub neej thiaj yuav muaj kev vam meej ncoo ko thiab muaj kev huab hom sij mus tsis tag tsis kawg.
Ua tsaug!