This is Part 1 of a two-part video series discussing (in very basic language) virtually all aspects of tube amplifier (passive) tone controls. Topics covered: 1.) The differences between active and passive tone controls 2.) Different locations for tone controls within the amp circuit, including benefits and drawbacks of each 3.) The use of a cathode follower to match impedance between circuit and tone stack 4.) Capacitor theory regarding AC/DC response and frequency passage 5.) High Pass and Low Pass and function.
This series is in response to numerous requests and is best suited for those who seek a basic understanding of amplifier design and function. The tone is conversational and, as usual, relies upon simple language, analogies, and explanations. In addition, Rusty makes a couple of appearances and his nemesis, the Cat, is offered his job behind the camera......with somewhat predictable results :)
If you enjoy videos featuring classic vintage tube amplifiers, jukeboxes, home-built electronic marvels, and basic, understandable technical presentations, then please subscribe to my channel. You will receive immediate access to about 100 videos and, if you activate the feature, you will be notified each time a new video is posted. Thanks for watching !!!