Diamond tip drill bits
table top drill press
Rock and glass tumbler
Tumbling coarse grit ( 1 pound )
Affiliate link
* Antiques On Mainstreet, 913 Main Street, Hopkins, MN 55343
(952) 931-2144
*Antiques On Mainstreet is located in the heart of historic downtown Hopkins. It is a two level, 7000 square foot mall of 50 dealers, offering an eclectic mix of antique, vintage and collectible treasures. It is one of six malls within three blocks, making Hopkins one of the most popular destinations for antiquing!
Antiques On Mainstreet is open 7 days a week,
Mon-Sat 10-6 and Sunday 12-5.
Located at 913 Mainstreet, Hopkins, MN 55343.
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