#tumi_hina Part 2 ( তুমি হীনা Part 2 ) | Samz Vai | Bangla New Song 2020
#Samz_Vai #tanvir_paros
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Script - Ashik Shuvo
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/tanverparos
Edit | Color | - Tanvir Paros
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tanverparos
D.O.P। Direction - Nazmus Shakib
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nazmus.shakib.775
Cast :
Tanvir Paros
Saif Hasan
Ashik Shuvo
Music Credit :
Song : Tumi Hina
Singer : Samz vai
Lyrics & Tune : Samz Vai
Mix / Master : Sakib Ahmed, Samz
Specially Thanks- Samz Vai (Shakib Ahmed)
This concept has no connection with the reality...
This video is made only for comedy purpose..
Don't take funny videos seriously...
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Tumi Hina ( তুমি হীনা ) । Eid Special । Samz Vai । Official MV 2020
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hd1rwu2DGhY
Ki Vul Chilo ( কি ভুল ছিল ) । Samz Vai । Official MV 2020 । Tanvir Paros - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YnLNqEmD_qo
Samz Vai | Monta Vangiya | Bangla Music Video | New Song 2021 | Tanvir Paros - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QcbnAuRLDOw
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