First... If you're a weldor and you're not active in the Instagram community, you're really missing out. There are a lot of guys and gals that offer up a lot of tricks of the trade on a daily basis. The community is worth its weight in gold, so be sure to go check it out. Now back to our point... Conversations come up on IG every so often on Tungsten grind angles and what people's preferences are. So many people will comment, "It doesn't matter. I work with what is given to me."
Don't be that guy. While it is important to be able to work with anything, tungsten grind angles matter. Learn how each angle impacts the arc envelope and how the impacts your welds. In this episode we are going to help you do that.
We are going to run four different grind angles:
1. 15º Grind Angle: Gives a wide arc envelope and is good for thin material where you don't want a concentrated arc.
2. 30º Grind Angle: Good "all purpose angle, as it gives a good, balanced envelope.
3. 30º with a Blunt: Good for AC applications as well as getting a concentrated, driving arc. This also helps maintain a good tip.
4. 60º Grind Angle: Good if you're trying to drive an arc into a deep fillet. This angle gives a super concentrated arc.
► Pferd Inc.: www.pferdusa.com
► Tab and Slot Welding Tables: www.tabandslot.com
► ESAB Power Sources: www.ESAB.com
► Everlast Power Sources - www.everlastgenerators.com
► AHP Power Sources - www.ahp.com
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