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तुरतुरिया धाम छत्तीसगढ़ | Turturiya Dham Chhattisgarh | Ram Van Gaman Path | Vlogs Rahul

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तुरतुरिया धाम छत्तीसगढ़ | Turturiya Dham Chhattisgarh | Ram Van Gaman Path | Vlogs Rahul _____________________________________________ Business enquiry [email protected] Instagram id - Facebook id - _____________________________________________ तुरतुरिया धाम छत्तीसगढ़ | Turturiya Dham Chhattisgarh | Ram Van Gaman Path | Vlogs Rahul Turturiya Dham Turturiya Dham Chhattisgarh Ram Van Gaman Path Maharaj Valmiki Ashram Turturiya Mata Mandir Luv Kush Birthplace In Chhattisgarh Turturiya Mela 2022 Turturiya Mela Cg 2022 Luv Kush Birthplace In Nepal Turturiya Waterfall Turturiya Mata Mandir Turturiya is natural and ceremonial place is located 84 km from Raipur district and 29 km from Balodabazar district 12 km away from Kasdol Tehsil 5 km from Boroi and 23 km from Sirpur which is known as Turturiya The above site is also known as Surasuri Ganga This place is a picturesque place filled with natural scenery which is surrounded by hillside Around this Baranvapara Wild Life Santuary is also located Turturiya is situated on the Balbhadri Nalla near the village called Bahriya It is said that Maharshi Valmikis ashram was at this place in Tretayuga and that was the birthplace of Lav kush The name of this place is due to the fact that the water flow of the Balabhadri drain goes through the rock then the sound of the tutur emerges due to the buzzing waves from it Due to which it has been given the name of Turturiya Its water flow goes through a long narrow tunnel and falls into a basin which is constructed from ancient bricks At the place where this water falls in the Kunda a cows mouth is made due to which water is visible from its mouth There are two ancient stone statues installed on both sides of the gomukh which is of Vishnu ji one of them is in a standing position and in the second statue Vishnu ji is shown sitting on the Sheshnag The ancient stone statues of the two brave persons are made near the pool in which respectively a heroic one lion is displayed with the sword and in the second statue another heroic person is shown wearing an animal neck Shivaling has been found in this place in addition to this the ancient stone columns have also been scattered in a considerable quantity in which artistic excavation has been done Besides this some inscriptions are also established here The statues of some ancient Buddha are also established here There are also residues of some of the fractal shrines The founding of idols related to Buddhism Vaishnava and Shaivism at this place also assures the fact that there has been a mixed culture of these three cultures here It is believed that there were Buddhist monasteries in which Buddhist monks were residing Due to being close to Sirpur it gets more emphasis that this place has ever been the center of Buddhist culture It is estimated from the scriptures of the inscriptions received here that the time of the statue received here is 8 9th century Even today there is the appointment of female priestesses which is an ancient tradition There is a three day fair here in the month of April and a large number of devotees come here Apart from being a religious and archaeological site it also attracts tourists due to its natural beauty Chhattisgarh due to its archaeological wealth has made a different identity not only in India but also in the world Evidence of ancient history is still present in 1000 villages out of 15000 villages here which is a matter of pride for Chhattisgarh A similar natural and religious place is located at a distance of 84 km from Raipur district and 29 km from Balodabazar district 12 km from Kasdol tehsil 5 km from P 4 Borsi and 23 km from Sirpur which is known as Turturiya The said place is also known as Sursuri Gangal This place is a picturesque place full of natural scenery which is surrounded by hills Baranwapara Sanctuary is also located near it Turturiya is situated on Balabhadri Nallah near a village named Bahria It is a popular belief that in Tretayuga Maharishi Valmikis Ashram was here and this was the birthplace of Lakush The reason for getting the name of this place Turturiya is that the water flow of Balabhadri drain comes out through the rocks then due to the bubbles rising from it the sound of turtur comes out Due to which he has been given the name Turturiya Its water flow goes ahead through a long narrow tunnel and falls into a water body which has been constructed from ancient bricks The mouth of a cow has been made at the place where this water falls in the तुरतुरिया धाम छत्तीसगढ़ | #TurturiyaDhamChhattisgarh | #RamVanGamanPath | #VlogsRahul #TurturiyaDham #TurturiyaDhamChhattisgarhRamVanGamanPathMaharajValmikiAshram #TurturiyaMataMandir #LuvKushBirthplaceInChhattisgarh #TurturiyaMela2022 #TurturiyaMelaCg2022 #LuvKushBirthplaceInNepal #TurturiyaWaterfall #TurturiyaMataMandir
