This surprise performance was announced only the day before. (Unfortunately, festival headliner Galactic had to drop out at the last minute due to a medical emergency.) While it was a scorcher of a day, the Lake George night cooled off nicely for Twiddle . Here's the full performance shot from the top of the Lac du Saint Sacrement steamboat. (Video quality improves after the first few minutes, but then goes back and forth depending on the lights)
Syncopated Healing
Gatsby The Great
Zazu's Flight
Subconscious Prelude
Brown Chicken Brown Cow*
Polluted Beauty**
White Light
Lost In The Cold**
* = w/ Joe Davis on guitar and Matt Richards on keys (both from Formula 5)
** = w/ Mike Oehmen on saxophone
As always, thanks to Phil Fernandez for the great sounding audio recording