Fun & Interesting

two-time 不要翻譯成「兩次」!真正意思讓人氣憤!

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👑欢迎加入早安英文频道会员,享专有福利: 🔎想要跟着我们学英语?☎️: —————— |早安英文|podcast|podcast english|英语口语|英语发音|英语对话|英语听力|日常英文|国外生活必备|双语脱口秀|中英雙語 —————— 笔记: 1. two-time or two-timer: 劈腿,或者劈腿的人。 She was two-timing on me, so we broke up. 她脚踏两条船,所以我们就分手了。 2. He is a ten. / She is a ten. 他/她很有魅力,很完美。 3. dressed (up) to the nines:精致打扮,盛装 My mother is going to a wedding today, so she got dressed to the nines. 我妈要去参加婚礼,所以她盛装打扮了一番。 All you will see is a girl you once knew, although she’s dressed up to the nines. 即使我盛装打扮无可挑剔,你总认定我还是曾经你认识的那个小女孩儿。 4. at sixes and sevens:“七上八下”“乱七八糟”“杂乱无章” I’m all sixes and sevens. I don’t know what to do. 我的心里七上八下的,我不知如何是好了。 5. one in a million: 万里挑一。 I just want to you know that you’re one in a million. 我想让你知道你有多特别。 6. the third degree: 质问盘问拷问某人。 My mother gave me the third degree when I got home late last night. 我昨晚回来晚了,我妈盘问了我很久。 My girlfriend gave me the third degree after she checked up on my Instagram following list and found a girl she didn’t know. 我女朋友检查了我的IG关注列表,看到了一个她不认识的女孩子,对我再三拷问。 7. six feet under: dead and buried,死亡,埋葬,入土 Do you ever feel already buried deep? six feet under screams but no one seems to hear a thing. 你可曾感到自己被深埋地下, 在地狱中撕声呐喊 却没有人能听到你的声音。 “Fred died and is six feet under.” or “They put him six feet under two days after he died.” You'll be six feet under when mom finds out that you didn’t come home last night. 如果妈妈发现你昨晚没回家你就死了!
