Two YOUNG HENS Harvested Many Eggs Together - Hatched Many chicks
#HEN#CHICKS #carchicks #mianinventions
To hatch chicken eggs in an incubator, start with fresh, fertilized eggs and set the temperature to a steady 99.5°F (37.5°C), maintaining humidity at 45-50% for most of the incubation period. Turn the eggs 3 times a day until day 18, ensuring they are positioned with the pointed end down. Around days 7-10, candle the eggs to check for development, discarding any non-developing eggs. Increase humidity to 65-70% in the last 3 days to help soften the eggshell for hatching. Avoid opening the incubator too often and let the chicks dry off in the incubator before moving them to a warm brooder set at 95°F (35°C).
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