In an automobile vehicle, a braking system is an arrangement of various linkages and components (brake lines or mechanical linkages, brake drum or brake disc , master cylinder or fulcrums etc) that are arranged in such a fashion that it converts the vehicle’s kinetic energy into the heat energy which in turn stops or de-accelerate the vehicle.
Different Types of Braking Systems:
On Power Source Basis-
1. Mechanical Brakes-
It is the type of braking system in which the brake force applied by the driver on the brake pedal is transferred to the final brake drum or disc rotor through the various mechanical linkages like cylindrical rods, fulcrums, springs etc. In order to de accelerate or stop the vehicle.
2. Hydraulic Brakes-
It is the type of braking system in which the brake force applied by the driver on brake pedal is first converted into hydraulic pressure by master cylinder than this hydraulic pressure from master cylinder is transferred to the final brake drum or disc rotor through brake lines.
3. Air or Pneumatic Brakes-
It is the types of braking system in which atmospheric air through compressors and valves is used to transmit brake pedal force from brake pedal to the final drum or disc rotor.
4. Vacuum Brakes-
It is the conventional type of braking system in which vacuum inside the brake lines causes brake pads to move which in turn finally stops or de accelerate the vehicle.
Exhauster , main cylinder , brake lines , valves along with disc rotor or drum are the main components that combines together to make a vacuum braking system
5. Magnetic Brakes–
In this types of braking system, the magnetic field generated by permanent magnets is used to cause the braking of the vehicle.
It works on the principle that when we pass a magnet through a cooper tube, eddy current is generated and the magnetic field generated by this eddy current provide magnetic braking.
6. Electrical Brakes-
It is type of braking used in electric vehicle in which braking is produced using the electrical motors which is the main source of power in electric vehicles, it is further divided into 3 types-
(i) Plugging Brakes-When the brake pedal is pressed in the electric vehicle equipped with plugging braking, the polarity of the motors changes which in turn reverses the direction of the motor and causes the braking.
(ii) Regenerative Braking- It is the type of electrical braking in which at the time of braking the motor which is the main power source of the vehicle becomes the generator i.e. when brakes are applied, the power supply to the motor cuts off due to which the mechanical energy from the wheels becomes the rotating force for the motor which in turn converts this mechanical energy into the electric energy which is further stored in the battery.
(iii) Dynamic or Rheostat Braking- It is the type of electrical braking in which resistance provided by the rheostat causes the actual braking
On Frictional Contact Basis
1. Drum Brakes or Internal Expanding Brakes
It is the type of brake system in which a drum which is the housing of the brake shoes along with actuation mechanism is attached with the wheel hub in such a fashion that the outer part of the drum rotates with the wheel and inner part remains constant.
When brakes are applied the actuating mechanism (wheel cylinder or mechanical linkage.) causes the brake shoes to expand due to which the outer frictional surface of the brake shoes makes frictional contact with the rotating drum part which in turn stops or de accelerate the vehicle.
2. Disc Brake or External Contracting Brakes –
It is the types of braking system in which instead of a drum assembly a disc rotor attached to the hub of the wheel in such a fashion that it rotates with the wheel, this disc rotor is clamped in between the caliper which is rigidly fixed with the knuckle or upright of the vehicle.
On Application Basis-
1. Service Brake or Foot Brakes.
2. Hand Brake or Parking Brake.
On Brake Force Distribution Basis-
1. Single Acting Brakes-
It is the type of braking in which brake force is transferred to either a pair of wheels(in cars) or to the single wheel(in bikes) through single actuation mechanism(mechanical linkages or master cylinder).
2. Dual Acting Brakes-
It is the type of braking in which the brake force is transferred to all the wheels of the vehicle through dual actuation mechanism (tandem master cylinder or mechanical linkages).
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