We love love love living on The Hill at UCLA! We're taking you on a tour of SIX different dorms as well as SIX different residential buildings at UCLA ?. Feel free to drop any UCLA related questions in the chat or DM us on Instagram @hercampusucla.??
Students Featured In This Video:
✰ Isabella Bruyere [editor + thumbnail, Dorm #6]
✰ Ariana Stanton [videographer]
✰ Jenny Vu [watermark designer] | @heyjennyvu on IG and TikTok
✰ Gayatri Puppala [Dorm #5 ] | @guyyuhthree6231 on YT
✰ Gabby Aung [Dorm #4 ] | @gabbyaung on IG
Her Campus at UCLA is a UCLA’s chapter of Her Campus Media, the #1 multimedia magazine written for, dedicated to, and focused on empowering college women. At HC at UCLA, we highlight the best in student journalism and media content creation, featuring local UCLA and Westwood content. Subscribe for college, lifestyle, and pop-culture content!
Feel free to contact us via: [email protected]
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✰ IG: @hercampusucla
✰ Tik Tok: @hercampusucla
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Website: https://www.hercampus.com/school/ucla/
Time Stamps:
00:00 Intro
00:17 Communal Bathrooms
00:52 Laundry Rooms
01:20 Classic Triple / Sproul Hall
03:39 Deluxe Double / Sproul Cove
08:07 Suite Triple / Hitch Suites
11:30 Plaza Triple Private Bath / De Neve Dogwood
13:43 Plaza Double Shared Bath / Reiber Vista
16:47 Plaza Triple Shared Bath / SV Canyon Point