Here we are presenting the Full Studio Version of our new Sambalpuri Folk Song 'UDI UDI JAA RE PARA '. Watch it and give your love and Support 🙏
Singer - Folk Star Dusmanta Suna
Lyrics & Music - Sambhu Sankar
Arrangements - Jhon Daa
MPC- Bishikesan Deep
Track- RR Studio Bargarh
Hands - Nibash Jackson, Pintu , Raja , Sonu
Recording - RR Studio & Studio Melody Bargarh
Mastering - Biplab Daa
DoP & Edit - Papu Photography
Production House - RN PRODUCTION
Production Manager - Nitesh Rajhans
Producer - Rajkishor Nag
All Copyrights Reserved to 'RN Production'
#folksong #newsambalpurisong #newsambalpurifolksong #dushmantasuna
#dushmantasunanewsog #romanticodiasong
#rnproduction #sambhusankar