UFC Fighter Dong Hyun Kim challenges Fitness Youtuber Horseking! Fitness Youtuber watching over the fighter! The Big 3 Workout record match! UFC Fighter vs. Fitness Youtber, who will win?
In this episode, UFC Fighter Dong Hyun Kim measures his records for the manly! masculine! Big 3 Workout, for the first time in his life!
(Push the bell button and you will be notifies for further episodes and live streaming videos)
Dong Hyun Kim email : memikim88@gmail.com
Dong Hyun Kim instagram : https://www.instagram.com/stungunkim
1. "www.bensound.com"
"Royalty Free Music from Bensound"
2. Hold Me by CyrroN https://soundcloud.com/uhlmann-roland/
Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC BY 3.0)
3. KODOMOi - sunny
4. • Song: Extreme Energy (Music Today 80)
• Composed & Produced by : Anwar Amr
• Video Link: https://youtu.be/8ZZbAkKNx7s
5. Song : Free Dramatic Scores - Epic Music - Protector Of The Ocean
Follow Artist : Lionel Schmitt / https://soundcloud.com/lionel-schmitt-2
Music promoted by DayDreamSound : https://youtu.be/M77laxsAwCg
Filmed at: BOX & GYM Eonju
#donghyunkim #kimdonghyun #donghyunkimufc #BIG3 #horseking #memikimtv #memikim