Why is color important to UI design? In this video, we will take you through the theory and traits behind individual colors, explaining the deeper meanings and associations for certain colors, and how these can shape your user interface designs.
This footage is taken from a recent live event hosted by CareerFoundry’s UI design mentor Olga. The original event covered many more areas like color harmony, color schemes, proportions, contrast, accessibility, and much more.
If you’re interested in UI design events like this one, we host weekly, free events covering a diverse range of topics. Check out our events portal to see what’s coming up: https://careerfoundry.com/en/events/
We also have an in depth article on color theory on the CareerFoundry blog, you can read it here: http://bit.ly/AnIntroductionToColorTheoryArticle
Think UI design might be right for you? Check out our free UI design short course to get a glimpse into the skills and requirements involved in this profession: http://bit.ly/Learn_UI_Design
Video timestamps and color breakdowns:
(00:00) Intro:
(00:34) Why color is important + breakdown of individual color traits:
(01:50) Red
(04:30) Orange
(06:03) Yellow
(07:22) Green
(04:30) Orange
(08:30) Turquoise
(10:25) Blue
(12:06) Purple
(13:33) Pink
(14:42) Brown
(16:30) Gray
(18:10) White
(19:45) Black
(21:30) Outro
What were your main takeaways from this video? Let us know in the comments!
If you have any questions on color theory, or topics you’d like to see covered in future videos, please share those too!
Thanks for watching!
#UIDesign #ColorTheory #UIDesignColorTheory
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UI Design - The Meaning Behind Colors (2021)