hello everyone,
download project on Patreon :
Discord : https://discord.gg/eQ6vzwuK9e
-removed the DataAsset of the Montage for the melee weapon to replace it with the Chooser Table with the pose search (in random) for the sword, axe, and the unarmed combat
-add new Stealth Finisher animation with knife
-fix Bad Detection for Stealth Finisher
-free camera for Stealth Finisher
-Add 3 examples with reel mesh for interactions with chests, with doors
-fixed flamethrower when no hit burns there anymore (0.0.0)
-add grenade prediction tracing
-forces the character to walk from the start and not run
-Change Key for Radial Menu to "Tab"
-Change Key for FlashLight to "T"
-activation of an auto reload when you have no more ammunition (same fire button)
-Manual Reload is Disconnect you can Reconnect it if you need ( In Input Graph)
-fixed the issue of being able to spam the Interaction button in pickups multiple times when it is being collected
-Automatically stores the equipped weapon if there is a 10 second inactivity delay but automatically releases it when you make an Aim
-Use the unique shooting system to use items or use a grenade
-Add new sample for Chest and Doors interaction (only with new mesh)
-fix loot system for cupboards and other... thanks to the idea and the participation of @wrathofal (each loot is independent with a random item per loot with the possibility of not putting loot in a place)
-Thanks to @Bleak (aka nostrodamned) for helping me fix the grenade problem that was occasionally going through the ground
Already in Game :
-Weapons System : (rifle, pistol ,shotgun, Grenade Launcher ,Rocket Launcher, Sword , FlameThrower, sniper)
-Grenade Systemp : (clasical , smoke , flashbang, molotov , ice ,electric)
-AI system with chase, hearting .....
-Car System (with cars from City Sample
-Chaos System (glass and other)
-Some Item (Bandage , Binoculars, Torch)
-Xray (Like the last of us)
-Balance System
-Impact and effect on each surface and Interactive Surface ( sound , Niagaga ) with Data Asset
-Ai enemy like Spider
-Pickup System with outline
-PopNumber when Damage
-Tripwire Mines system
-pipe fire and smoke
-weather manager (snow and rain) from my marketplace asset "Ultimate Surface Interactive Trace"
-Inventory Component
-Radial Menu for Item
-Crouch System
-foot IK with control Rig
-Ai enemy From Paragon
-Sliding System
-stealth system
-throw rock for AI
-loot item on AI Death
-Stealth system
-Stealth Finisher
-Spline Track Guide (for tutorial by exemple)
-basic tutorial
-basic mission and world Marker
-electric barrier
-Narrow Space
-Path Track for AI (to follow a specific path and can take a break determined in advance at each of the points)
-SaveGame/LoadGame with checkpoint (with full inventory save and location character)
-Full Main Menu ( New game / Continue / Select Level / Graphics Option / Credit )
-Damage for Melee attack with pistol , rifle , shotgun
-swimming system
Explosion Pack :
Hit Impact Pack :
Main inputs:
1) Move - W,S,A,D
2) Jump - Space Bar
3) Sprint - L Shift
4) Crouch - C
5) Aiming - R Mouse Button
6) Camera Third person / First Person - T
7) Aiming - R Mouse Button
8) Shoot L Mouse Button
9) Reload Rifle - R
10)temporary Select weapons - Tab
11)Roll - quick double tap C
12)FlashLight - T
13)Xray - Z