Hey guys! 👋
Welcome to my ultimate guide on choosing a Cambridge college! This is a major decision that could result in a difference of THOUSANDS of pounds in bursaries… there can also be substantial differences in welfare support, the ‘academic environment’ and workload. This can have BIG differences on your experience and interview, so it’s best to be as informed as you can!
I’ve split the video into some main sections:
1. Introduction
2. What even is a Cambridge college?
3. Which Cambridge colleges can you apply to?
4. Financial support
5. Welfare differences between colleges
6. Academic environment and workload
7. Location, location, location
9. College size
Here are the key resources and links that I mention in the video:
College wealth: https://www.theguardian.com/education/2018/may/28/oxford-and-cambridge-university-colleges-hold-21bn-in-riches
St John's bursaries: https://www.joh.cam.ac.uk/finance-and-support
St John's bursaries: https://www.joh.cam.ac.uk/st-johns-college-top-studentships
Mental health spending by college: https://thetab.com/uk/cambridge/2021/06/25/ranked-how-much-has-your-college-spent-on-in-college-mental-health-services-2019-2021-151950
Music by STUDIO BEYOND - glasshaus1 - https://thmatc.co/?l=04D1851F