I build my ULTIMATE Woodworking Workbench using a tree i milled myself with my alaskan chainsaw mill 2 years ago. This project is much easier to accomplish than some may think. I use basic timber frame style joinery with draw bore mortise and tenon joints, and some amazing vices from Andy Klein.
Check out the NEW Speedbor Bits from IRWIN, brand new design, super fast, and crazy durable!
SAVE $5 Workbench Plan Bundle - https://www.johnmalecki.com/digital-plans
If you like this project, you're going to love these other shop projects
3 LEVELS - Sawhorse Build : DIY to PRO - https://youtu.be/9-sEO81RkdM
ULTIMATE Miter Saw Station - https://youtu.be/BvNHq26neEMv
ULTIMATE Outfeed Table - https://youtu.be/1DjEV_ZLZhI
Drill Charging Station - https://youtu.be/Jkh8S0i79PA
Shop Project Playlist - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6r_4s0L34MOQuQeVejzZ9lxLeRVJ_Kto
Andy Klein 14" Vice - https://bit.ly/JM_KleinVice14
Andy Klein 20" Vice - https://bit.ly/JM_KleinVice20
Andy Klein Bench Dogs - https://bit.ly/JM_KleinDog
DRILL MATE - https://geni.us/uTac (Amazon)
MERCHANDISE - https://shop.johnmalecki.com/
PLANS - https://www.johnmalecki.com/digital-plans
Proudly Supported By:
Woodcraft - http://bit.ly/JM_Woodcraft2020
Timberland PRO - http://bit.ly/JM_TimberlandPRO
Titebond - http://bit.ly/JM_Titebond
My Top Tools and Product Affiliates
Woodworking Tools - https://kit.co/JohnMaleckiBuilds/woodworking
Metalworking Tools - https://kit.co/JohnMaleckiBuilds/metal-working-tools
Favorite Finishes - https://kit.co/JohnMaleckiBuilds/finishes
My Camera Gear - https://kit.co/JohnMaleckiBuilds/camera-gear
#WoodworkingBench #workbench #TwinTurboVice
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