ULTRAKILL REIMAGINED is an animated series that adapts the events of the game ULTRAKILL. ULTRAKILL is a first-person shooter video game developed by Arsi "Hakita" Patala and published by New Blood Interactive.
A strange robot named V1 awakens after years of being deactivated. It uncovers a way to enter the fiery pits of hell. The only objective it has: MANKIND IS DEAD. BLOOD IS FUEL. HELL IS FULL.
PILOT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M3LkpHkWxN0
Subscribe for bear5: https://www.youtube.com/@DumAdvent?sub_confirmation=1
Created by DumAdvent ► @DumAdvent@DumAdvent
Twitter ► https://twitter.com/XAdvent4
Patreon ► https://www.patreon.com/DumAdvent
Into The Fire - Heaven Pierce Her
Take Care - Heaven Pierce Her
Versus - Heaven Pierce Her
The Cyber Grind - meganeko
Voice of V1 - rendering guy, Microsoft Sam
Thumbnail Art ► @DumAdvent
(help from ► @ReRandStudios)
Animation ► @DumAdvent
Audio Design ► @StarburstSFX (Portfolio: https://discord.gg/rstcvfQw)
V1 Model ► Xetirano https://twitter.com/xetirano
Enemies, Maps, Etc ► ULTRAKILL
ULTRAKILL created by Arsi "Hakita" Patala
#ultrakill #blender #animation #videogames #blender3d #3d #fanart #fananimation #UltrakillReimagined #DumAdvent #indie #anime #gaming
Ultrakill Act 1