Ultrasonic Cleaner For Bicycle Parts? Watch Before You Buy! (Vevor 3L Ultrasonic Cleaner Review)
My opinion on using ultrasonic cleaners for bicycle components: It doesn't work. The model I got was a Vevor 3L digital ultrasonic cleaner with build-in timer and heating element.
You can support my channel by shopping for Goo Gone or ultrasonic cleaners (if you still want to personally give it a try) using my affiliated Amazon links below:
Goo Gone https://amzn.to/3THzpc5
Ultrasonic Cleaners https://amzn.to/3xdXrUl
Metal brush https://amzn.to/4bpb0Q7
0:00 Introduction
0:43 Ultrasonic Cleaner Interface
1:40 1st Try w/Dishwashing Detergent
3:30 Dishwashing Detergent Result
5:57 2nd Try w/Heavy Duty Degreaser
8:17 Heavy Duty Degreaser Result
9:34 What It Did Well (Smaller parts)
9:58 Conclusion
11:39 My recommended alternative (Goo Gone)
12:50 Result using Goo Gone and a metal brush
Thank you.
#ultrasoniccleaner #bicyclemaintenance #vevor #bicyclerepair #ultrasoniccleaning #degreaser