#90sbarbie #clueless #dionne
Many years ago I foolishly downsized this doll, and have regretted it ever since! After 10+ years of fruitless searching for a replacement doll in thrift/charity shops, flea markets, etc., I finally treated myself to a Holiday gift and got her mint in box from eBay. So let's unbox her so she can re-take her place in the Small Plastic World!!
My videos are intended for the adult doll and toy collecting community and are not made for or directed to children. My videos do not have AI or altered content.
#barbie #barbiedoll #mattelbarbie #mattel #celebrity #celebritydoll #tvshow #tv #90saesthetic #90sfashion #90s #90stvshows #90smovies #highschool #teenagers #teenager #teenage #asif #whatever #wayharsh #harsh #lavender #backpack #cellphone #welcomeback