May the fourth be with you as Jay and Uncle Si have their minds blown when they learn that Star Wars has a day! Jay is in trouble with his wife due to some things that were said on the podcast and Si learns that Miss Kay hides her fried pies from him. Martin makes fun of Godwin's accent and surprises everyone when they learn Godwin has a Cameo account — but why does Mountain Man have a better rating? Martin shows Si a picture of Brittany's new slithery scarf while she was in New Orleans which freaks him out. The boys give their best advice for those who get stage fright when using a public bathroom for a number 2 and then they share their thoughts about the "rules" for baptizing someone very close to you. And finally, how should husbands best help when their wives are having a bad pregnancy?
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About Duck Call Room:
The guys who kept America laughing for 11 seasons while cranking out duck calls are back in the heart of Duck Commander to share hilarious stories, tall tales, hunting adventures, pop culture commentary, and all the antics and escapades you know and love. Join Si Robertson, Justin Martin, John-David Owen, John Godwin, Jay Stone, and Phillip McMillan where it all began — in the Duck Call Room.
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