“Uncommon ground” is the story of four canoeists coming together for the first time, to tackle an unfamiliar backcountry canoe route.
On top of that, each canoeist is carrying his own camera gear, in an attempt to document the trip!
This route turned out to be far more difficult than expected. It would see us paddle though rain, wind, and fog. In addition, we would have to drag our canoes through shallow, boney rivers and boggy marshes.
More than anything, this trip was about the meeting of four like minded people with so much in common, on “uncommon ground”.
I would really like to thank the guys on this trip for allowing me to use their drone footage for the video (mine did not fair so well on this trip). Truly appreciate it! Also for anyone that has not already seen these three other channels make sure to do so. All three of these guys work really hard and make some amazing videos.
Max Budnick @maximbudnick https://youtube.com/@maximbudnick (https://youtube.com/@maximbudnick)
Xander Budnick @XanderBudnick https://youtube.com/@XanderBudnick (https://youtube.com/@XanderBudnick)
Jon - @LostLakes
https://youtube.com/@LostLakes (https://youtube.com/@LostLakes)
Also wanted to thank Brad from @ExploreTheBackcountry for all of his hard work on the map that we used. If you have not checked out his and Leah's channel you are missing out. Brad and Leah also have an amazing website with trip reports and maps that are top quality. https://www.explorethebackcountry.com
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