Who's putting on the greatest show ever and acting as if they don't have feelings for you?
Thank you for choosing to watch my video! I hope you enjoy it 🤗
🔍 In This Reading we'll explore the following:
Who is this person that is concealing their feelings for you?
Their true and current feelings toward you.
🔥 BONUS Extended Reading (Ad-Free - 30 Min)
(Email me directly at: mysticmoonoracles@gmail.com if you have any purchasing or viewing issues)
Topics we'll cover over there:
Why are they keeping their true feelings hidden from you?
In what ways does this person pretend they don’t care as much as they do?
What energies and signs are they secretly sending your way?
Will they eventually confess their feelings or continue to hold back?
✨Curious about my services? ✨
I offer 30 min pre-recorded personal video readings as my schedule allows so if you’d like to inquire about booking one, please email me here:
mysticmoonoracles@gmail.com (All transactions are through PayPal)
Be sure to check out my 2nd YouTube Channel for more general readings:
🏴☠️ Treasure Trove Tarot 🏴☠️
📚 Featured Decks (In order of appearance):
•Modern Life Oracle Cards
•Stripper World Oracle: https://www.etsy.com/shop/MahrukhX?ref=shop-header-name&listing_id=1729764572&from_page=listing
•The Light Seers Tarot
•Fin De Siecle Kipper Cards
•Gilded Reverie Lenormand Expanded Edition
•Oracle of Visions
•Marchetti Tarot
🌟 Extended Reading Decks:
•Human Spirit Oracle
•The Muse Tarot
•iN2iT Oracle & Tarot: https://www.etsy.com/shop/iN2ITOracle?ref=shop-header-name&listing_id=1685793565&from_page=listing
•The Spirit Code Oracle & Star-Crossed Lovers Oracle - both by @AquaMoonlight : https://www.etsy.com/shop/AquaMoonlightTarot?ref=shop-header-name&listing_id=793789191&from_page=listing
•The Love Tarot
•The Lovers Tarot
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🎴🛒 You can purchase all of my self-published Tarot & Oracle decks here:
Here's a Playlist of all of my decks so you can see each card: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLRmzFdudsqSazHv0ApFOk-h3s4h8iWUmz
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EXTENDED READINGS SITE: https://mysticmoonoracles.gumroad.com/
WEBSITE: https://mysticmoonoracles.com/
HALLOWEEN TIK TOK: https://www.tiktok.com/@homesweethalloween
FEATURED ORGONITE: Earth Element Divine Masculine Nude created by Michele from Wing & Bell: https://www.etsy.com/shop/BellsWingandBell?ref=shop-header-name&listing_id=862826630&from_page=listing
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