In this video I will show you Underground Cable Jointing step by step.
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In this video topic covered
0:00 Introduction of Underground Cable Jointing
0:52 Underground Cable Earthing Jointing Process
1:18 Road side Underground Cable in HDPE pipe
1:26 Temporary Underground Cable Jointing for Temporary Supply
1:46 Underground Cable Insulation Puncture
2:35 Cleaning Cable Using Cleaning Tissue
3:28 Underground Cable Cutting
4:34 Phase Checking by Tester on Underground Cable
5:48 Set Cable Position Before Cable Jointing
9:12 Cleaning Cable Armoured for Proper Earthing
10:37 Underground Cable Shape
11:32 Ferrule Connection with Cable Phase Wire
13:00 Crimping Tool used in Underground Cable for Termination
15:35 High Insulation EPR Tape use for Ferrule Tapping
16:30 Cable Jointing Procedure
22:30 Placing Chase Core Separator between R Y B and N
24:15 Jointing Earthing Wire for Cable
25:35 Plastic Mould Placing for Cable Jointing
26:00 Cable Jointing Resin Mixing for Cable Jointing
28:10 Resin Putting in Mould of Cable Jointing
30:34 Safe Guarding of Cable Jointing Area for Safety
Top Electrical Interview Question.
Questions Answered in this Video :
1. Cable Jointing Kits
2. L.T Cable 0.44 kV 50sq mm Joint
3. Cable Joint Tutorial
4. Cable Termination kaise kiya jata hai
5. Types of electrical joints and terminations
6. Cable joint kit and joint
7. Types of cable jointing methods
8. How is cable jointing done?
9. What precautions are necessary in cable jointing?
10. Electrical Cable jointing procedures
11. Repairing of Cable Joints
12. What are Cable Joints?
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Created by:- Deepakkumar Yadav
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