Dr. Bril explains what CIDP is, how it affects the body, what symptoms are common, routes of recovery, and what to expect post-diagnosis.
(0:10) How do you describe CIDP to someone for the first time?
(2:02) What symptoms do you look for when diagnosing CIDP?
(2:41) What can be done to help patients get diagnosed early and properly?
(3:14) How would your treatment differ for adult and paediatric cases?
(4:10) How important is early diagnosis in recovery?
(4:47) What does recovery look like?
(5:25) What supports can be given to people living with CIDP?
(6:08) What are some longterm residual symptoms that patients can expect?
(6:46) What advice would you give to someone recently diagnosed with CIDP?
(7:13) What is one of your most memorable patient stories?
To learn more about The GBS and CIDP Foundation of Canada, please visit