University Chancellor, Susan E. Borrego, reflects on her life as an emancipated minor and dissects the emotionally charged conversation surrounding race relations in the United States. This raconteur uses her powerful first-person account of "White Privilege" and "Black Lives Matter" to underscore the responsibility each one of us has to bring about change.
Sue is a lifelong educator, championing the transformational power of education.
Sue’s career has been driven by a dedication to student success that was inspired by her own ability to see what a difference higher education can make, should make, and does make in students’ lives. After serving in senior administrative and teaching positions in southern California, she was appointed Chancellor of the University of Michigan-Flint. She describes her position as a mix of university leadership, urban development and small town mayor.
As a result of her life experience, which included being an emancipated minor, Sue committed herself to doing everything she can to ensure others have the opportunity to receive a successful education.
Her team at UM-Flint collaborate with community partners to find common goals and common ground to address the challenges that the community faces. She says: “Flint and the surrounding area are proof of what is possible when people join forces to create a brig
This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at