Keeping chickens in the north presents some unique challenges. The extreme temperature fluctuations from season to season are one thing to consider in a northern chicken coop. Predators in the area are another challenge that should be taken into consideration with your backyard chicken coop. If you are considering backyard chickens in a northern climate, here are some do's and don'ts from our experience in both Manitoba and northern Ontario, Canada raising both egg layers and chickens for meat production.
We keep backyard chickens on our wilderness homestead year round in northern Ontario. This presents some unique challenges including large apex predators as well as extreme cold conditions. Our coop was built mainly out of reclaimed lumber from an old cabin that once stood on the property.
We have two forms of predator here that are of concern - airborn predators such as owls, hawks and eagles. And land based predators such as wolves, bears and cougars. Both the coop and run are predator proof. We prefer to take a proactive approach to dealing with predators as opposed to a reactive approach. This has worked well for us over the years as we've never had to dispatch a predator here.
Our backyard chicken coop is not heated. The only electricity we run to the coop in the winter is for a small heated waterer, so the birds have access to fresh water 24/7. Our temperatures often dip down to the -20s and -30s for extended periods of time. The birds are allowed to hang outside each day, if they choose to. In the morning, we open the door to the run, in the evening we close it back up. The chicken coop itself is well ventilated, which is key in keeping happy, healthy chickens over the winter months. It's not the cold that kills, it's the moisture.
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