Are university degrees no longer the determining factor for getting good jobs in Singapore?
In this episode, our hosts talk to a degree holder and a non-degree holder, to find out the impact their decisions have had on their respective career trajectories.
00:00 有大学文凭,也不见得在职场吃香? Is a university degree no longer attractive to employers?
02:12 与文凭相比,技能对雇主来说更重要? Do employers value skill sets, more than degree qualification?
06:46 大学毕业生不够补足就业市场缺口 Not enough college graduates to fill the job market gap
08:46 没有学历,爬不上职场阶梯? Is it possible to climb the corporate ladder without a degree?
12:46 技能培训能够替代大学文凭吗? Can upskilling replace university degree qualification?
#zaobaosg #education #degree #gradschool #教育 #大学 #文凭 #选择
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