In this comprehensive video, discover the secrets to mastering youth pitching mechanics step by step with the expertise of TopVelocity. Whether you're an aspiring pitcher or a coach looking to enhance your players' skills, this guide is your ultimate resource. Join us as we break down the essential techniques that will elevate your pitching game to new heights.
What the Video is About
The video is about teaching young players how to pitch in baseball. It's part of the TopVelocity program that helps make you a better player.
The Basics of Pitching
1. Stand Properly: Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart.
2. Start Position: Hold your hands together near your body.
3. Leg Lift: Lift one leg slightly (don't go too high!)
4. Move Forward and Down: After lifting your leg, move both forward and down. It's like falling forward but in control.
Important Points
1. You should try to stay on one leg as long as you can while moving.
2. Keep your hands close to you.
The Next Steps
1. Break Hands: Separate your hands from each other.
2. Line up Glove Side: Keep one hand (the glove hand) straight and in line like you're aiming.
3. Prepare for Rotation: The other hand pulls back, getting ready to throw.
Hitting the Perfect Position
1. At Landing: Your feet land, but your hips are open and your foot is slightly closed. Your glove side is still in line.
2. The Throwing Phase: From this position, you throw the ball.
Tools and Tips
1. There are tools like the "King of the Hill" that can help you understand if you're doing it right.
2. If you're stuck at any point, you might need to improve your strength or mobility.
Review and Practice
Keep reviewing these steps, maybe even watch the video again. Once you get each step right, you can start putting it all together like a puzzle!
Hope that makes it easier to understand! 🧢⚾
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