Download links, track list (with time codes), and more information below.
0:00:00 - 01. Flightcastle
0:00:52 - 02. Vortex Rikers
0:03:08 - 03. Dusk Horizon
0:07:02 - 04. Shared Dig
0:12:46 - 05. Chizra
0:16:54 - 06. SETI
0:21:34 - 07. Nali Chant
0:26:30 - 08. Lonely Abbey
0:31:21 - 09. Nightvision
0:36:09 - 10. Noork's Elbow
0:42:38 - 11. Unreal Crypt
0:48:00 - 12. The Trench
0:55:02 - 13. ISV-Kran
1:05:48 - 14. Valley of the Spires
1:13:54 - 15. Surfacing
1:19:37 - 16. All Hallows Sunset
1:22:43 - 17. Isotoxin
1:26:53 - 18. Guardian of Stone
1:28:37 - 19. Bluff Eversmoking
1:36:30 - 20. Mountain Fortress
1:42:44 - 21. Battle Frenzy
1:45:52 - 22. War Gate
1:51:08 - 23. The Warlord
1:54:39 - 24. Red Alert
2:00:36 - 25. Erosion
2:07:37 - 26. Illusions
2:09:41 - 27. Queen of Death
2:14:22 - 28. Main Title
Here's my own rip of the Unreal soundtrack. I was frustrated with existing rips, which had bad quality, inaccurate tracker playback, missing tracks, improper tags, etc. so I made my own. The tracks are in chronological order (based on point of encounter in the game). I put proper song tails / fade-outs on looping songs. A few songs also loop twice now. ISV-Kran was merged into one song (keeping Deck 4 & 3+2). Bluff Eversmoking uses part of its alternate mix as second loop. And finally, an unused (but too good not to include) track was shoved in-between Mountain Fortress and War Gate.
For song titles, I usually stuck to the titles found in the tags of the original UMX tracker music files. If that was not present, I either used the level name or title given by the wiki, depending on two factors: how much it made sense, and how much it was already used on LastFM. (FLAC) (AAC)