I'd never fished this creek before, and I hadn't planned on fishing it, but it looked just too good to pass up...
DATE FILMED: August 2023
LOCATION: Colorado
** SEE MORE INFO ABOUT MY FLIES AND GEAR HERE: https://tenkaraaddict.com/gear
** ROD: Suntech Kurenai HM33R (Such a good rod)
** LINES: 11-foot level line (#3.5) with a few feet of tippet
** FLY: Size 12 pink and white stiff hackle kebari
** NET: Medium Measure Net with rubberized net bag
** Instagram (@TenkaraAddict): https://instagram.com/tenkaraaddict
** My main YouTube channel (SUVRVing): https://www.youtube.com/c/suvrving
#tenkara #fishing #flyfishing