Punjab '95, starring Diljit Dosanjh, has hit another roadblock. This highly anticipated political thriller is based on the life of Jaswant Singh Khalra, a human rights activist who exposed mass cremations and fake encounters during Punjab's turbulent insurgency era. However, the film’s release has been delayed yet again, with CBFC demanding 120 cuts, including altering the title and removing references to key locations and historical events.
The film’s journey has been filled with controversies, from being axed at the Toronto International Film Festival to concerns from the Shiromani Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee. Khalra’s family has also criticized these edits, arguing the film was made with their full consent and reflects the truth.
Interestingly, Punjab '95 shares similarities with Kangana Ranaut’s Emergency, which faced its own censorship struggles. Both films tackle sensitive historical subjects, revealing the challenges filmmakers encounter when addressing political narratives in India.
Adding to the drama, Diljit Dosanjh’s recent meeting with PM Modi has sparked rumors that political interventions might influence the film’s fate. Is censorship stifling art, or is there more behind these delays?
Join us as we decode the controversies, the Khalra connection, and the bigger picture behind Punjab '95's ongoing struggles.
0:00 Intro
0:34 Punjab ‘95 Controversy
1:21 Insurgency in Punjab
2:12 Indira Gandhi’s killing
2:43 Jaswant Singh Khalra
4:00 Censor Board
5:11 TIFF
6:05 Kangana-Diljit
7:13 PM Modi-Diljit
8:05 Conclusion