Необычная беседа с Артуром Сита. Просветление, Мысли, Страхи
Interview or better the dialog about the life of Artur Sita. And also about presence (insight, living in present).
- Tell us about yourself. Who are you? Your personal story…
- The story of your insight. How did it happen…
- Do you have any wishes? Do you have any thoughts? Fears?
- About insight, living in present.
- What are your favorite books and movies…
- And so on…
Artur Sita
When he was 14 years old he experienced spontaneous insight which he tried to explain this way: “I don’t exist… but there is everything. Enormous silence… that’s it. Only it exists”. Then he really tried to forget about it and live like “everybody else”. A few years later he had and experience…
More details at
Interviewer – Alexander KhOlopov, creator of internet-project “Self-knowledge” (http://samopoznanie.ru).