hey guys! here’s an updated whats on my iphone!!
wildflower case: https://amzn.to/3zRP4yZ
octobuddy: https://amzn.to/3zOMIAY
♡ instagram: @gabbygenao : https://www.instagram.com/gabbygenao/
♡ instagram spam account : https://www.instagram.com/gabriellaslittlesecret/
♡ snapchat : @gabriellagenao
♡ twitter : @gabbygenao : https://twitter.com/gabbygenao
♡ tiktok : @gabriellagenao : https://www.tiktok.com/@gabriellagena...
AMAZON STOREFRONT (in the works)
♡ https://www.amazon.com/shop/gabriellagenao
♡ https://www.tiktok.com/@isabehella?la...
♡ Sunshine Samba - Chris Haugen: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6yPio…
♡ elevator bossa nova - http://www.bensound.com/
♡ Music by Mr. Jello - Summer Sunday - https://thmatc.co/?l=5BE13791
♡ Music by Remil - Tranquil - https://thmatc.co/?l=1EE41DC7
♡ Music by Mr. Jello - Roasted & Toasted - https://thmatc.co/?l=BF2CE2D4
♡ Music by Damien Sebe - so much fun - https://thmatc.co/?l=A030E937
♡ Music by monomenu - jazz guitar - https://thmatc.co/?l=46CD4219
disclaimer: I do not own any of the music in this video.
what do you use to edit? I use final cut pro!
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sub count: 351
(love every single one of you :))
make sure to do something nice for yourself today!
peace out girl scout,
xoxo, gabby