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சிறுநீர் பாதை தொற்று | தடுப்பது எப்படி | Urinary tract infection | Dr. SreDevi | Tamil

Dr. S M Sredevi 184,519 3 years ago
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What is Urinary tract infection ? Infection that occurs in the urinary pathway is UTI Urinary tract consists of Upper urinary tract Which consists of kidney and ureters Lower urinary tract Consists of Bladder and urethra. Kidneys produce urine, which reaches Bladder via ureter and is stored in Bladder. Urine comes out through urethra which is close to the genitals. Where does the UTI ( urinary tract infection) starts? Usually it is called as "Ascending infection" Usually bacteria enters from the urethra to the bladder and then to the ureters and if untreated to the kidneys!! Causes for UTI( Urinary tract infection): Lot of different bacteria reside near the anus usually. When the situation is favourable for the bacteria it enters the urethra and then to the bladder and kidneys when left untreated!! Why UTI is common in women? Urethra is shorter in females when compared to males.So bacteria can easily enter the bladder!! Reasons for UTI: 1. Holding urine for a long time. 2.kidney/ urinary bladder stones 3.Not following proper hygienic practice after sexual intercourse. Risk factors for UTI: Diabetes Obesity Pregnancy Menopause Previous UTI Symptoms of UTI: 1. Increased frequency of urination 2.Burning Urination 3.Urgency to pass urine 4. Back pain 5. Lower abdominal pain. How does the urine appear in UTI: Smelly urine Cloudy urine Blood tinged urine 🩸Blood tinged urine can also be a sign of serious infection!! Kidney infection - symptoms: Above symptoms along with 🩸Chills 🩸Fever 🩸Back and loin pain 🩸 vomiting 🤮 How is UTI diagnosed? Urine analysis Urine culture 🧫 How to give urine sample for culture? Clean genital area Seperate labia and collect mid stream urine Don't touch the inside of urine cup. How to treat UTI? Antibiotics According to sensitivity. Severe infection needs hospital admission and IV antibiotics!! How to prevent UTI? Drink plenty of water 💦 Clean genital area and anal area. Clean from front to back to avoid bcateria contamination of urethra!! Don't hold back urine Thank you 🙏
