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Urs Schreiber, Topological quantum programming via linear homotopy types

HoTTEST 712 1 year ago
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Homotopy Type Theory Electronic Seminar Talks, 2024-02-01 It is interesting to observe that a use-case of what deserves to be called genuine “homotopical computation” is secretly known: We showed in arXiv:2303.02382 (in print at Comm. Math. Phys., see that the specification of the logic gates envisioned in “topological quantum computation on anyons”, while intricate in traditional language, have a slick expression in HoTT, simply as transport of certain truncated dependent function types into Eilenberg-MacLane types. The mathematical theorems behind this are a remarkable result on conformal quantum field theory by Feigin, Schechtmann & Varchenko (1994) combined with our novel algebro-topological construction, lending itself to formalization in HoTT, of Gauss-Manin connections on fibrations of twisted cohomology groups. Generally, the relation between HoTT and quantum computation is closer than might be suspected: Adding rules meant to enforce interpretation of HoTT into infinity-topoi of parameterized module spectra (such as Riley’s *Linear HoTT*) naturally provides for an expressive certification-language for quantum programming with “dynamic lifting” of quantum measurement results (arXiv:2310.15735,, previously elusive but arguably necessary for any serious quantum computation. This is joint work with David J. Myers and Hisham Sati.
