US 100B$ HYPERSONIC and LASER Weapons Are FINALLY Ready For Action!
A new breed of weapons - hypersonic missiles and laser weapons are - finally here. At first glance, hypersonic missiles are like every conventional missile out there, complete with warheads, guidance systems, and rocket engines that thrust them into the sky. But hypersonic missiles go a few steps further. connected to some power source, they keep firing. Then there’s also the speed of light attack. Laser is a form of light and therefore travels at the speed of light. While the Mach 5+ speeds of hypersonic missiles does sound good, the laser’s 180,000 mile-per-hour top speed makes hypersonic missiles look slow. For these reasons and more, the US, China, Japan,India, South Korea, and Australia some are allying, some competing fiercely, but all aimed to build the most advanced hypersonic weapons and lasers they can.