(This film is silent)
National Archives Identifier: 16039
Local Identifier: 111-ADC-2235
Series: Moving Images Relating to Military Activities
Record Group 111: Records of the Office of the Chief Signal Officer
This item was produced or created:8/29/1944; 8/27/1944;
US 28th Division Parades in Paris, France; Celebration (Montesson), Parade in Paris, France. Shot list: PARADE OF 28th US DIVISION. 8/29/1944. Seq: Parade of the first US troops, 28th Inf Div, passing Arc de Triomphe, followed by troops of medical corps.VS, armored vehicles pass the Arch. CUs, MPs restrain cheering crowds.
CELEBRATION (MONTESSON). 8/27/1944. VS, French civilians greet US troops within the limits of Paris.CU, French girl kisses US soldier.VS, civilians wave French, American and British flags from balconies.HS, enthusiastic civilians ride jeeps; girls kiss and hug soldiers.MSs, soldier kisses invalid girl on stretcher.
Seq: US soldiers parade down Champs Elysees and past Arc de Triomphe.VS, jeeps, armored cars, tanks, infantry and medical corpsmen on parade. CUs, cheering US soldiers or personnel trucks towing 57mm guns.CUs, AA MG emplacement near Arc de Triomphe. Pan to parade of US forces. VS, half-tracks tow 155mm HOWs.CU, ambulances on parade. CU, US colors on jeep.MS, half-track personnel carrier tows 8" HOW.VS, weapons carrier tows 155mm Long Tom rifle.
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