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In this video, IM Kostya Kavutskiy is bringing to you the important topic of blunders in chess. Many chess players at the amateur level and even super GMs have played moves that were really bad. Such obviously wrong moves are called blunders. There are two different types of blunders that are handled in this video.
0:50 A tactical blunder is when you lose a significant amount of material like two pawns, a minor piece, a rook or a queen.
7:00 A strategic blunder is when you don’t lose material but you give up control of a very important square or you make a very unfavourable exchange. Basically, a strategic blunder is any move that really worsens your position without of course losing material.
12:51 There are several tips and techniques to avoid blunders in your games. The most important tips are:
1. Never relax in a game until the game is fully over. A lot of blunders are happening in positions where players think the game is over, either they are making an easy draw or they are completely winning.
2. Whenever a move is played, always look for the new squares that the moved piece is now controlling. In chess, every time a piece is moved, that piece will be controlling new squares.
3. Pay specific attention to pieces which are unprotected. If you keep in mind which pieces in the position are unprotected, or are not protected enough, or seem vulnerable, this will allow you to not only avoid a lot of blunders, but you will also be able to spot a lot of tactics for yourself by exploiting your opponent’s mistakes.
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