Medicated Housewife DIY's
I'm The Medicated Housewife™ and this is my DIY Channel. My name is Sayre and I've been "crafting" all my life. Like so many people, I've battled depression and anxiety for many years, and crafting has been an incredible stress reliever for me. I'm hoping to share my creativity and enthusiasm with others. I've been making Dollar Tree (and other "sourced") projects for Home Decor for years, and nothing makes me happier than figuring out a way to create my own version of the things I see, but for less and with my own personal twist. My personal style is all over the map, and I think there should be no labels when it comes to your personal style. If it looks good to you....then it's good. I hope you enjoy watching and would love to hear from you about things you'd like to see me create in the future. I'm the Medicated Housewife™, and crafting is my medication. 😃 New Videos weekly.