Fun & Interesting

Tata Mira

Tata Mira

Dear viewers, I am glad to welcome you to my channel.

The channel was created quite recently, as it seemed to me that this is a good way to escape from the complex and disturbing reality that surrounds us. For me, this is relaxation and motivation for further life in this difficult time.

I am 50 years old, I have a husband and two adult and very charming daughters. We live in Moscow. I have a degree in Educational Psychology, a Ph.D. and a full-time job 6 days a week.

On this channel, I will share with you my life experiences and feelings, ways to create cleanliness and beauty in your home, delicious culinary recipes, ways to gain peace of mind and balance in your life.

Share your impressions and feelings from my videos, I will be glad to communicate with you and hope for a productive dialogue.